Sunday, February 12, 2012

*26* Colouring the Memories

I've just viewed (سريعا) an msn conversation, was on the 13th of October 2010, from 2:00 am to 4:00 am

Chatterers: Hossam Hassan, Nada Abd El-Aziem (my partners), Ashraf Magid  (our head) & me.

Main title: Getting some help for w/s name ideas.

We had a lot and a lot of names already, but none seemed to be that "one" we were looking for, so it was like an online meeting, but believe me when I say...

It wasn't more than continuous قلش :D !!

We kept making laughs on names to generate others and others. Yes, we were pressed to top! but we kept the قلش :D we kept the fun though :))

Remembering such things Now, after all, brings happiness to me :)) because little things what "actually" make the whole work seems wonderful :))

Care to enjoy your moments :) and make them special :) Those little moments what last :) and all pressure later vanishes :)

Chase the opportunities to laugh, pass a smile, make a trick ... what reaches the heart is what lasts :)

** Things seem to be black and white, or sometimes grey like the colours used to mention the scene up, but later on when the whole matter becomes just a memory, it seems to be colourful :)

Colours differs according to the moments you've succeeded to chase and bring happiness through :) so decide now, what colours would you like to have after it all ends? :)


  1. موضوع الاسم ده كان فعلا أصعب حاجه وكانت فى نفس الوقت ألذ حاجه .. لدرجه احنا طلعنا بتاع حاجه وسبعين اسم والغريب فى الأمر ان ولا واحد فيهم كان ضمن اللى احنا اخترناه .. والأغرب ان كان من الأسماء المقترحه "أنا من عابدين يا فضائين" ..
    :D :D :D
