Sunday, January 8, 2012

*21* Belief .. Love .. Logic!

One of my best moments that let me satisfy with choosing the science section at High School, and then applying for a college that under goes the scientific faculties, is that, from time to time, I can find direct strong relations between Logic, Math, Codes and our daily life.

Yesterday, I've passed by a situation that drove me so down and deep sad as a whole, but once I decided to rethink about it and see it with another view, that was the result, an unexpected thought!

Conditional Statement Table (p  q)

p → q
0 (False)
0 (False)
1 (True)
0 (False)
1 (True)
0 (False)
1 (True)
0 (False)
1 (True)
1 (True)
1 (True)
1 (True)

The above table means:

It's True that:

  • If "p" is not found, then "q" is not found.
  • If "p" is found, then "q" may be found or not.

While It's False that:

  •  If "p" is not found, then "q" is found.

    I can see some of you now saying...
    "Oh No! I opened this link not to read about Maths! I thought it was about "Belief" & "Love", Are you kidding?!"

    Yes, you're totally right, but wait! The title carries "Logic" too, isn't it? :P
    I agree that this is a totally logical theory that works with Maths, but what about its other side? What about The Reality Theory? Let us see...

    (Belief  Love) ≡ (p  q)

    where ≡ : is a logical symbol means "similar to"

    In the second statement, if we exchanged places to fit our reality equation we will find that:

    It is False that:
    • "Belief" is not found and "Love" is found.
    It's False to have/give Love without Belief, and "False" here means "Mistake"and "Fault", not "impossible". It means...
    You can't love someone/something while you don't believe in him/it
     Yes You simply Can't!

    "Can't" here doesn't mean "You're not able", but means "You Shouldn't". It's not about the ability, but about what's right to be done, because "False" doesn't mean it can't be a fact, but it actually means "A Wrong Fact".
    And so...

    It's not an obligation to Love those you Believe in, but it's an utmost priority to Believe in those you Love. : )

    Written on December, the 28th at 12:00 pm
    Public Transports, Way College.

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