Friday, March 23, 2012

*37* Not The Same (Tweets)

The problem that it's not like any other time, it's different, totally & completely. Now when it's dull and dark, I can't ask for human help

 'cause once you get to have that connection with Allah and know it deeply, it becomes like asking for hell on asking humans for help

It's too complicated that it's simple! You ask Allah, He makes you the richest, You ask people & you'll be the poorest human on earth

and by time you'll lose all the needy feelings to people, sometimes you'll actually get that discontent feeling towards Life & People

By Time also, life becomes so meaningless little phase that you have no option but to go through, with no desire to stick to

and you'll be a big-picture seeker, if u already weren't a one. You'll focus more on real values, neglecting all lively fake things

accompanying the everything-one book; Holly Quraan, having your own cave/shell whenever you want; Prayers (Salaah) and waiting..

 ..waiting till that moment happens and you finish this phase successfully, on your way to the everlasting Real Life, where Paradise

all this is so beautiful, and not knowing but feeling it is the greatest bless one can have, but the problem also stays still..

The problem is when I miss my link, when things go wrong however everything, however my inferiority view towards Life & its Problems

when I pray and can't taste it, when I read/listen to Quran and I can't touch it with my heart, when I fast and feel like I am not

 that's when things go wrong & I don't know what to do. Is it the magical bottle? Does the spell lose its powers sometimes? Idk..

but what I know well that I don't need people any more, only HIM can Help, Only HIM can Guide, 'Cause Only HIM cares and loves me

& Only HIM has the ability to let me happy, when HE's satisfied. Yes I'm not feeling good, but I'm not lost any more. الحمد لله وحده

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

*36* ماتسَربَعونيش

كنت في بيت واحدة صاحبتي لما مامتها علقت على العباية و قالت لي..

"بس إنتِ كدة حددتِ نوع العريس اللي هيتقدم لك..."

كان نفسي أقولها "آه والله يا طنط عندك حق" !!
بس للأسف, لقيتني برُد رد تاني خالص..

لإن للأسف ده مش الواقع..

للأسف (تاني) دلوقتي الولد الملتزم و اللي مش ملتزم عايز واحدة ملتزمة
و للأسف (برده) مش كل واحدة لابسة عباية, ملتزمة
و مش كل واحدة ملتزمة, لابسة عباية! 

و بالمثل لقيتني بقول.. 

"ما باقاش كل واحد ملتزم, شكله ملتزم
و لا كل واحد شكله ملتزم, فعلا ملتزم" !

لما قعدت أدورها في دماغي كدة, لقيتني  افتكرت الأستاذ اللمبي في جملته الشهيرة .. "إنت مين ياض؟!"

إيه يا جدعان اللخبطة دي! هي الدنيا ملعبكة كدة ليه؟ مع إن الأمور أبسط من كدة والله!

المشكلة و اللخبطة و الحاجات اللي الـ "مفروضة" تكون (بديهياً يعني), و ماباقيتش "مفروضة" (فعليا), سببها إحنا..

من كتر ما كسرنا القواعد, ما باقاش فيه قواعد نستند ليها (عمليا), و مع كسر كل قاعدة الأمور بتزيد تعقيد!

و الناس بدل ما كانت بسيطة و أمورها بسيطة, و البيت كان يبان من عنوانه, لأ دلوقتي لازم دراسة لولبية لعلم النفس, اللي هو في حد ذاته بيتكلكع كل مآده مع تكلكع الشخصية العصرية, و أصبح دراسة الشخصيات من الأساسيات قبل أي خطوة لأي عتبة بيت!

مش بس في الجواز, لأ دي بقت أساسيات عشان تفهم اللي بيشتغلوا معاك, و جيرانك و صحابك, حتى أهلك في البيت, تبدأ تقرأ و تطبق عليهم اللي قرأته و تشوف بقى هم من أي نوعية من الناس! أهلك اللي هم عايشين معاك 24 ساعة وشك في وشهم دول, آه عارفهم؟

--> اللي مابيقتنعش بالحاجات دي (دراسات علم النفس), هقوله: معلش! طبق إختبار "الأنيكرام" = "The Enneagram" على أهلك و إنت هتعرف إنك بالكاد تعرفهم!

--> أما بقى اللي بيحب علم النفس و بيآمن بدراسته, هيبقى عارف فعلا إن العيلة في البيت الواحد "دلوقتي" ماتعرفش بعضها, و لازم دراسات عليا.. قصدي.. علم نفسية..!

 --  و هرد أقوله: ماتعرفهمش؟ آآه فعلا, إنت ماباقيتش بتشوفهم أصلا, صحيح هتعرفهم منين؟! 
بس ما هو ده برده بسبب العصر المكلكع اللي احنا ابتدعناه, و اللي بقى "متسربع" أو كما أوصفه "عصر السربعة" مش "السرعة"! 

و (السربعة) أعزائي, هي المشكلة اللي إتوصلت لها و قررت أعالجها على المستوى الشخصي, و فعلا لما حاولت لقيت الأمور بقت أحسن كتيـــر (على المستوى الشخصي برده)

و ده بقى اللي هاحكي لكم عنه المرة الجاية إن شاء الله :D

*35* Stuck in between

Shall I write again? I don't know really.. I don't know if throwing what's on mind on papers is for healing and getting rid of it or rather for letting it alive.. 'cause the last time I recalled some pieces it was too harsh on me however they were my own! Reading some words over and over again sometimes make me free of any anger, they just became some emotionless pieces of writings, but some other times, they recall the worst feelings at all, maybe worst than the ones they were accompanied by in the first place.

So, what shall I do? write again? or let the thoughts evaporate..? 

Monday, March 5, 2012

*34* The spoked of the unspoken

I never regret writing a thing before, however i used to be harshly to the point, frankly to death, honest and faithful and here exactly when troubles tell me "come baby come!"

and though I'm frank in my writings, I can't write everything, simply cause my lips can't just let the words get out that easily, my fingers get disabled to type it or write it down; those words which are too heavy to whisper, say to self, keep in my mind, or even imagine.

Yes, I can't, however softly and familiar they are to others, not only, they almost don't exist completely as the meanings had escaped them long ago and left nothing but shallow unlikely covers.

So, I can't tell..
And Again, Yes, not everything could be spoken..
And Again, I'm neither sad nor broken..

It was all about painful pin which existed here, long ago, and all what it needed to harm again was that sparkle i saw in those eyes that day, and couple of uncompleted sentences.. fair enough to activate you back my old painful pin.

And Again, though all secure reservations, you win.

To You:

I'm sorry, I can't speak,
and because of this my words seem vague,
if it was any easy it wouldn't have been all this time to take
and I'm sorry, I write indirectly
it's my only way to write what i feel-though-frankly
it's my only place where i can throw things out of my head trustfully...
and get healed relatively quickly
but it seems that the words referred to different totally meanings mistakenly
I'm sorry if any of them had to hurt you or build burdens unluckily
I may not able to say what's unspoken, but I can tell you that on one day
I lost the only best friend i, one day, had ... and i can say
that the history is putting again the same piece on play
and All I want, is not to lose again the one i trust
is it too much? or harm would accompany me long as a must!

Simply, shortly, briefly, frankly
I don't want to lose you, and nothing is going wrong with me except if you're annoyed or angry with me

and last.. I'm sorry, if I have no right to say a word.

I'm sorry Allah if I broke the rules. If I had sinned, only You can forgive me My Lord. 

إياك نعبد و إياك نستعين )
إهدنا الصراط المستقيم
 ( صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم, غير المغضوب عليهم, و لا الضـــــــالــيـــــن 

*33* Answers // U don't need to read

Sometimes Questions have no answers. Sometimes Answers are not meant to be there. Sometimes Questions are questioned, though they are the answers in themselves. They are the answers. And I have no answer to your question, because in itself all the answers exist. And You shall know it on your own, or for the rest of life you shall miss it.

I wonder and wonder and wonder and then I leave it and try to get it out of my mind. Because all the Questions lead to the same answer.. get me to the same loop, same ride.

# You do, and it does, however it maybe no or yes. 
# Why? It happens though. 
# I want let things go, I don't really want to know. 

Things won't die, or at least me,
won't be the one.
'cause as simple as it seems and complicated as it be, 
I had nothing to bring it up, but HE who created the sun, 
and created it inside me to lighten the dark, and harm none.
 It harms none, but those who pull it against the wind,
 the wind of HIS, and I'm not any more, of them, one.
 I'll keep it and hold it tight,
 go with the wind so quiet.
 I'll save it, cover it, and it'd always be,
 the unspoken pearl kept deep with no key. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

*32* The Core

Sometimes people forget that I'm a human, forget I'm a soul of a girl, forget I'm not only a body with a face stick on, I'm not the colours of outfits I wear, I'm not the colour of my skin, I'm not the colour of my eyes neither the tone of my voice. I can't be labelled according to my smile's attractiveness, my look's magic, my skin's pureness, my hair silkiness neither my outfit's style.

Sometimes people forget that I'm a soul of a human that lives inside all those, I'm a spirit with emotions, thoughts and potentials.

Sometimes people mistakenly think they can take me for granted, but simply they can't, because Allah has granted me "myself" to save it, keep it on his path, make her happy in Dunya, and drive her to Paradise in Aakhera. I'm my soul guider, driver and Lover. I'm the one who's granted because simply I'm the one who'll be asked for her in Aakhera, I'm the one who's responsible for her and her actions.

And If, and only If, my soul met another soul who its guider cares enough to share with me my duties towards my soul; keeps her on Allah's path, makes her happy in Dunya and drives her to Paradise in Aakhera, be the guider, the lover and takes the drive, so just then I can say that Allah granted my soul to another guider & driver, and granted me to be the guider and follower, sharing-based :)

Yes, People forget, but HE, Allah, never forgets :)

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ

(إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَنْظُرُ إِلَى صُوَرِكُمْ وَأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى قُلُوبِكُمْ وَأَعْمَالِكُمْ)