Saturday, April 28, 2012

*44* World Wish Day (29 April)

Really? Is there something called a "World Wish Day" ?

This was the first thing came to my mind when I passed by a post shared by one of my friends on facebook. I thought at first it was another "Made Up" day as a kind of spare time filling! Days on, I forgot about it due to life matters and cycles, and then here it is again shared, same post same photo with that comment on:

في كتب السيرة " ما تمنى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شيئاً إلا و سارع عثمان رضي الله عنه في تحقيقه"
(: فمع اقتراب يوم الأمنيات العالمي [ كن عثمان ] هذا اليوم !! و اختر شخصاً تحقق له أمنيته

In the books of Islamic biography, "What he wished the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, for something but quickly (Othman), may Allah be pleased with him, went to achieve that thing"
With the approach of World Wish Day [Be Othman] for today! And choose someone to make him his wish comes true :)

Checking the date, I found it is Tomorrow! The 29th of April, and with a nice tag & and a comment saying
"Tomorrow is the world wishing day :D tell me what you wish my friend :))"

I started to look at it with a different approach. I found difficulty in replying to the words
"Write down a wish :)"

Wish? hmm.. this is weird because I don't remember exactly what was the last time I asked myself this question.. actually I was being asked that question long ago when I was in the chair of a guest/participant/interviewee which exists no more, but now when I fetched my mind for a reasonable answer, I got astonished that I couldn't find any!
All my wishes are too big! too perfect! too likely to become real only in utopia! 

Noway! There must be a way, there must be something can be done at once to bring a smile, so I asked myself a question ..
"What if there is a place with people who are responsible for letting others' wishes come true?!" A place where its crew goal is to make people happy and let their wishes come true, regardless how old, poor, educated those people are, and regardless how huge, important, perfect their wishes are. 
Because as long as an action can draw a  true smile, so it's worthy to be taken :) and that was another one thing I believe in :)

And Here when I decided to go for a trip to my blog and write those words down here:

-- Today I've decided to never forget about my Vision in life, never neglect my dreams any more, always memorize my wishes by writing them down and working on letting them come true.

-- Today, My wish is to let your wish not only stays as a wish, but to become a real everyone can witness it and the first of all is you :)

-- Today I've decided to open a thread/space/place where people can write their wished down, but not to be ignored or fly with the wind, only to make it true and got some wings :)

Finally I'd like to thank my friend for the inspiring post and kind words, in addition to the permanent smile that always draws a twin on people's faces :) and the life vision I do consider very inspiring and worth living for :) --> إدخال سرور على قلب مسلم :)

Make Something Amazing Today; Let a Wish Come True :) and Enjoy the Smiles on the faces :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

*43* How "20" feels like..

It's past 12 a.m.
okay, fine, It's my .. 20th .. birthday..
although i've used to celebrate this day during my whole life with cheerful spirit, till we stopped celebrating some past years.. and although last year my friends made me my best birthday i'd never ever forget, and i was over the moon..

This year, I feel that the sadness and sorrow have found their ways to me.
It's not a happy thing to become 20, believe me!

I don't belong to those who celebrate their ages as if it's a holly thing, or those who when reaches specific age start the general depression state, but .. please try to get my point when i say that i ended my teenage!

Not only but, the question i do really ask is..

Did i deserve to live those twenty years?


Do i deserve to live more?

I honestly don't think the answer of any of the above is "yes".. but what can i say but..

اللهم اجعل الحياة زيادة لي في كل خير و اجعل الموت راحة لي من كل شر

Thursday, April 19, 2012

*42* Fresh Starts

Sometimes we need a new fresh start, sometimes we decide to have a one, and many times we pretend we got a one, and then we discover it wasn't really a new start but only a lie to one's self.

But now, I know it when I say it. I got it and can feel it :)

"I finally got my new fresh start I sought for completed" :)

Throughout a good uneasy experience, I decided to write some points that shall rap it up :)

1- "Fresh Start" is a decision, that should be taken in a stable state, not a happy one nor a miserable one.

2- The decision needs..
- a strong "need" for that Fresh Start,
(Why do you need it for?)
- a deep good intention to be taken
(So as to get God's help, and never doubt being you're on the right way) 
- a real strong reasonable belief that does not get affected by time or place,
(A Reason that answers the question: Why shall I keep going?)
- and a strong will to apply it.
(To resist Satan's, People's & Self's negative whispers )

3- "Fresh Starts" definitely state "Changes" that would take place in your life. "Changes" take "Time", and as long as it would take from you, as long as it would take place successfully.

4- Defining The Reason for having a new start, shall put a spot light on the problems you're facing.
Pick up the problems and State it down on a paper, and then go to the solving part where choices are found :)

5- Solutions are either direct or indirect.

Direct Solutions: It gets rid of the problems from its roots, however they are hard to be applied.

- Go to the problems you stated.
- Take each one separately.
- Find an applicable solution (means not science fiction solutions) for each.
- Apply Solutions in real life one by one, and make sure you give each one its needed time.

It goes like:
-- Solving Problem (in 2 weeks) or till it's over
-- Solving Problem 2 (in 10 days) or till it's over .. etc.

Indirect Solutions: It does not deal with the problem itself. It's more likeable to be applied but takes longer time.

-  It may be just the decrement of some current actions that cause you problems.
-  Or It may be just good actions, that has nothing to do with your problems, but to help you switching the path you're going through, help you to change your environment and get introduced to different  "better" livings. It leads you later to look back on to your problems with a totally different eye and more wisdom.

It goes like:
-- Decrement of -ve Habit 1.. till it ends
-- Increment of +ve Action 1 .. till it becomes a habit -- In Parallel with applying the previous step
-- Decrement of -ve Habit 2 .. till it ends -- In Parallel with applying the previous 2 step .. etc.

6- Always Renew your good intentions, and keep following good new habits.

7- Never worry about the results, but about the effort you pay :)

8- Patience is the magical key after all, so Have Faith. It'll come True InshaAllah :)

Important to know:

*Changes include not only habits and actions, but people, places and attitude as well.
**Never decide for something when you're not in a stable state.
***You can do what only "you want to do" :)
***Be Close To Allah.Want it if you're not, Pray if you can not be, and he will help you greatly if you have both "the good intention and need" :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

*41* Mistreated Fortune

How awesome to witness a poor kid's smile when she runs here and there, causing some mess and let things work out by luck! and then she claps hands and gives a happy horray! :D

It's hard to most of people to get it, but poor kids aren't poor! 

Money? yes, but they have it all, purity, love, health, life! and all potentials needed :) If only we appreciate this :)

Appreciate that ---> Simply, they are kids! 

If only we treat them as kids, normal kids like ours, and break all our creativity blocks on dealing with them!

Then, and only then, we will see one of the in-hands fortunes :)

They don't look cute .. They look kids!

Monday, April 9, 2012

*40* Allah Knows

Allah knows..
when the heart is clear, and the mind is safe with Zekr Ellah
Allah knows..
when you choose paradise and throw behind all dunyah
Allah knows..
that many have been blessed by removing that mist
Allah knows..
but blind people can't see the difference; the beauty they missed
Allah knows..
That he's the only one able to make miracles
Allah knows..
That only graceful slaves touch this
Allah knows..
That He's the truth, he's the creator, and he loves us
Allah knows..
That All the troubles and Life worries are Satan's mess
Allah knows..

but most people don't know
most people mistreat others,
most people think they do know better
most people are blind with Satan's mists
while they believe they got the best

Most people would pass by these words
but rare those who'd be sure they got it
Rare those who'd fairly admit it
that one day they were blind too..
belonged to the many around
and now they have to pray
and forgive those surround
Because they don't know .. they don't know they're still blind
but Allah .. Allah knows


I'll be always fine and safe, because Allah knows that i left it all behind long ago..
الحمد لله و كفى بحمده نعمة

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

*39* Thank You .. more than a word

Sometimes people wonder how can I be angry of someone and I thank him/her?!

Simply because I've learned to be thankful to those who make me a favour, even if this favour was teaching, and they're already paid for it, but they didn't have to do it anyway! Did they?

Also One day, One good man taught me that everything has Powers, and "Thank You" (when you really mean it) has a great one of all, and yes, since that moment I make sure not only to be thankful, but to say it, 
truly, with a smile on :) even for an unrecognisable thing at all or to someone I won't ever meet again :)

*Thank you My Head :)

*38* "Mad Guys!"

You know that story?

The story of that tribe who existed someday somewhere. Peaceful people living their own life far away in the deserts. They used to have plenty of useless stones.
Everywhere you'll check in there, you'll find such stones being thrown here and there. Their existence like that was annoying the tribe, they can't build homes with it, neither eat it nor break it, and when the weather goes hot, the stones become hot like fire! It becomes so dangerous to touch!

One day two gentle men were passing by, when they saw those stones. They decided to offer some help to the tribe, so they came to the tribe chief and suggested to take off those stones away for some food they'd give to the tribe.

The chief asked his people and they were happy! They agreed at once and started helping the gentle men in getting rid of those annoying stones. When they were done and the gentle men moved on..

A voice of an old man cried "Mad Guys!" and everyone laughed at such a profitable trade.

Not so far from that place, there was a huge lorry carrying the stones, followed by a small car having the two gentle men in. Each was having a wide winning smile on.

"If they only know it was gold.."  They thought :)

A Request,
Please Don't underestimate the fortune you have. You may know what gold is nowadays, but you may not surely know that that thing inside your head "called brain" and that extra thing you were blessed by having it "called mind" are much more valuable that any gold on earth :) 

Bless You :)