Tuesday, April 15, 2014

*116* Memories Written Package

On this life ride, this journey that no one knows when did it begin or when shall it ever end, millions of millions of details take place in our daily lives, soon they end, sooner they're dropped out of memory if no souvenirs were left.

I always wondered, Why people take too much photos? Why they share things on events -like cards, bookmarks, flyers- so as to keep the date and name of that event on regardless how short or unimportant this event may be, comparing to real Planet Earth Events!!

Then two things took place those were really surprising! The first was when i decided to check my old photos when i was a kid; that was indescribable! .. It brought tears, happiness, inner peace, and at least it reminded me of how i was like on one far day! When focusing a bit, i couldn't be totally aware that this kid in the photos was really the same me nowadays! Time changes like 180..! and then all what i truly wished for then, was -a bit crazy- to meet my kid version one day in paradise! Isn't everything possible in Paradise? :D B-)

The second things was totally unexpectedly happy and much deep! While looking up for some random stuff, i found my old pocket which i didn't get near like for minimum 2 years and almost it's more than that. It was were i kept all the little profile photos for my family and some friends, so as my little treasure too!
I used to keep almost all important little papers and cards, that really mean "something" to me. Reading them all was like "OMG! Those things appearing from nowhere were just on time!". Frankly it was overdose to read them all on the spot, so after a little while i decided to publish them to keep their memory as long as it can be :) Specially That it's my last term studying at college little i know how to celebrate that senior thing! :D

Those -to be published- memories when put together acts like a Fatoush salad! every single memory means a lot, yet their big difference, and the different me at each one of them.. which totally has nothing to do with me nowadays!! .... ( so if you know me lately, don't ever try to understand how is all that :D and if you used to know me, make sure am not that person anymore! seriously! B-) )

** And here's one last thing to be said .. "People Change" always sounds to me negatively, though i totally understand NOW that people shall change to much more better states, only with decisions of their own and Allah's guidance :)

To be continued :)